Journey to a Healthier You: 5 Ways to Master Overall Wellbeing
And the future blog posts that will get you there
You’ve seen it all. The fast fad diets for a slimmer, trimmer you. The articles that try to sell you on the idea that total body health can be accomplished with just a pill and some light stretching.
And yet, countless headlines point to a health epidemic that’s getting worse and here to stay.
How did we get here? And how can we change course toward a journey of overall health and wellness?
It turns out, the path to a healthier life contains a few different components. And yet, they all lead to the same destination: optimal health and homeostasis.
And that’s what this blog page is for. We’re not here to sell you a quick-fix pill. Rather, we’re here to empower you to live your life as full and as healthy as you can.
To do that, we’ve decided to go on the journey with you.
To learn together. To dig deep into the simple ways to improve, heal, and thrive in all areas of life.
And while our blog page will cover all areas of healthy living – from a rockin’ morning routine to making your own home-made laundry detergent – we thought we’d start with the bare-bones basic areas of health.
What areas are we talking about? Sleep, hydration, nutrition, exercise, fresh air, and mental health.
As you read, you’ll find that one area connects to all others. And where one is lacking, it inevitably leads to struggles in other areas.
Read on to learn why these areas are essential to your wellbeing. And what our health journey blog posts will cover moving forward.
Get Your Sleep On.
Sleep is probably the most overlooked and yet important step in the journey.
Sleep is the natural repair mechanism that we as humans have. And it’s when our brain naturally detoxes from the stresses of the day.
Without good sleep, our healing mechanisms tend to slow down. And the brain continues to collect toxic remnants of stress. Our body responds to the added stress of no rest by craving higher fatty foods, salts, and sugars. This is because it senses that we’re going to need the fuel stores to prepare for a lack of recovery.
Sleeping less than 7 hours a day is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Frequent mental distress.
Which should give you pause when according to the CDC, one out of every 3 adults don’t get enough sleep.¹
Indeed, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommends that adults aged 18-60 years old should get at least 7 hours of shut-eye nightly.²
Sleep is the catalyst that allows your body and mind to better function. When you nail down a good sleep routine, everything else falls into place.
Want to learn more about sleep? Stay tuned to this page! We’ll be diving into:
Tips and tricks of getting a good night’s sleep
Habits to avoid at all costs
The differences of men and women and why sleep demands are different
And much more!
Moving on…
Let’s talk about hydration.
Yes. I’m talking about water.
We humans are made up of more than 60% water. Meaning everything we do on a daily basis involves the stuff.
Want to get an idea of what water does for you?³
It flushes out toxins… kind of like sleep.
It promotes healthy weight management. Like sleep.
It improves your skin’s complexion. Like sleep.
It increases your energy and relieves fatigue. Need I say more?
So when you consider all the benefits of good hydration, it may shock you to know that only 22 percent of Americans drink the recommended 8-10 glasses daily.⁴
Instead, most of us get five glasses per day.⁴
And for some, clean water is a rare luxury. In a study conducted in 2019, 97.15% of Americans have access to clean drinking water.⁵ Meaning 2.85% of the U.S. population, or 9.36 million people, have none.
That’s larger than the size of New York City! ⁶
So what do we do? How do we improve the trend of better hydration and greater access?
Funny you should ask: We’ll tell you!
We’re gonna break down:
Better hydration routines
How and what to do for filtering your water
What to look out for in your water – including heavy metals and growing bacteria
All the important information you need about clean drinking water will be right here.
And then there’s nutrition. How SAD it is…
Yep. After sleep and hydration, the next leg of the journey leads to fueling your body.
And if you’re like the 97.3% of U.S. adults, you get a failing grade on healthy lifestyle practices.⁷
The Standard American Diet (SAD), rates at about a 1 on the scale of 1 to 10. That’s because SAD doesn’t include fruits or vegetables.⁸
SAD includes things like: ⁹
Red meat
High fat dairy products
Processed foods
Refined carbs and fats
Added sugars
In other words, not a healthy whole-food to be had.
With a standard diet like this, it’s no wonder the American population is overweight and suffering from a mounting number of diseases.
A SAD lifestyle depletes you of needed vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. But the truth is – no matter how unhealthy or overweight you are, the fact is you’re starving. And your body is desperately trying to gain the nutrients it needs to work properly.
So let’s fix that, shall we? Let’s dive deep, get to the root of your nutritional struggles, and come up with solutions that work.
Here at the Natural Nutrition House, food is our jam. We got you.
We’re gonna teach you the
Hidden ingredients you should look out for and why
Foods you should fuel your body with
Healthy alternatives to the foods you crave and love, no regrets
Foods you can use to keep you out of the doctor’s office and off the meds
Ways to save money eating real food on a budget
What’s more? Keep a look-out on Facebook. Every Sunday, we’re posting yummy recipes with ingredients as delicious as they are good for you.
Now, let’s get some exercise.
That’s right. You knew this was coming.
Why should we exercise? Well… Because.
It improves brain health and development.
It manages weight.
It reduces your risk of disease.
It strengthens bones and muscles.
It lubes your joints.
It improves your sleep.
It improves your mood and increases your energy and stamina.¹⁰
Hmm. Kind of like sleep. And hydration. And eating a healthy diet.
There seems to be an interesting theme here…
So it goes without saying – even though I’m gonna say it – exercise is vital for living a long and healthy life.
So here’s the issue: According to an article in Time Magazine in 2018, only about 23% of Americans get the right amount of exercise.¹¹
Which means it’s high-time we fix that. At least, we’re sure going to try. Because the fact is we can only guide you. It’s up to you to put in the work.
But we have faith that you can do it! So we’re gonna give you guidance on things such as:
Aerobic activity
Strength training
Maintenance and how to stick with it
And it doesn’t stop there. Because living a healthy lifestyle is so much more than how much you sleep, what you eat and drink, and how often you move your body.
You need to get outside.
Does fresh air actually do anything for your health?
Yes. Yes it does.
Not only does getting fresh air help you filter out the stale, overused air of the indoors, it also: ¹²
Improves your mood.
Strengthens your immune system.
Improves your circulation and cell function.
Improves your digestive system.
Reduces airborne illnesses and infections.
Increases your energy and sharpens your mind.
And to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels, you should aim for at least 10-30 minutes of sun exposure several times a week.¹³
Remember at the height of the pandemic when everyone was told to stay inside? For weeks?
Well, it turns out that the average person now spends 14 hours a week outside – 3 hours more than pre-pandemic days.
Which is awesome! Because being outdoors is an instant remedy to so. many. things.
Have a problem you’re trying to work through?
Need to take a break from studying for that big test?
Have a blog post and want a clear head? (Like moi..)
Have a lunch break and are finally able to get out of the office?
Go outside.
Now, before you start wondering how this is going to work when the weather is snowy, freezing and just plain crappy, just know – we’ve thought about that.
We’re gonna break down simple ways you can get the fresh air and sunshine you need. Even when the weather isn’t cooperating.
Because like all the other areas of this journey, fresh air and sunlight are essential to living a healthy life.
Which brings us to mental health.
The Beautiful Benefits of Mental Health
We’ve all been there. A crummy day at work. A tough decision. A monkey wrench that just put a halt to all your plans.
Life happens. And there are days and events that sometimes bring us down. Way down.
Early in 2022, the World Health Organization reported that there was a 25% increase in anxiety and depression during the Covid pandemic.¹⁴
If you’re like us, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. There was a lot to be stressed and depressed about. And there still is.
But that’s not all.
Social media and screen time have become a part of our everyday lives.
With it, mental health issues have increased.
13% of kids aged 12-17 reported depression
32% reported anxiety
25% of 18-25 year olds reported some kind of mental illness ¹⁴
And before we completely dismiss mental health as separate from all areas of life, think again. Because mental health is connected to sleep. And our diet. And our gumption to put on those sneakers to get outside for some fresh air, exercise, and sunlight.
When left unchecked, mounting stress, anxiety, and depression often leads to other ailments such as ulcers, heart issues, and random injuries that seem to creep up out of nowhere.
Mental health is a huge deal. To be mentally strong is to maintain your health while tackling all the other things life throws your way.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: There is no use in crawling in a fetal position to just let life happen.
Your life is yours. And when you live it with strength, courage, love, and laughter, amazing things happen. No matter what is happening.
So how can we improve our mental health? How can we strengthen our mental muscles?
We’re gonna dive deep into:
Screen time
Boundaries and the power of saying No
Where to turn to when you’ve tried everything
And much, much more
Health and Wellbeing: It’s a Whole-Body Affair.
We know. We’re a broken record.
It all goes hand-in hand. Each area you focus on to create an overall healthy lifestyle will sustain the other areas of your life.
And there’s no one-size-fits-all. What may take one person a fairly short amount of time to master, may take someone else much longer.
And that’s okay. You are your own person. This isn’t a race. It’s not a quick fix. It’s a guide to learn the lessons and take the steps to a stronger you – today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrow’s thereafter.
The small steps you take everyday make all the difference. You may not notice your progress from one day to the next. It’s when you start looking back a month, a year, or a few years and see how far you’ve come. That’s when you see how much you’ve accomplished.
From us here at the Natural Nutrition House: Here’s to your journey. We can’t wait to help you get started.